Conferences & workshops

July 2024: 50th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to the Health Services - ORAHS 2023, Making an impact. Reflecting on 50 years of healthcare operational research (Turin, Italy).
Speaker: "Patients who leave the Emergency Department without being seen: a dynamic approach based on survival regression".
Member of the Organizing Committee.
Co-chair and expert of the Doctoral Colloquium.
Chair of the Session "Emergency Department /2".  

September 2023: 5th International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal).
Speaker: "Analyzing the opportunities for access to health services through public transport". Chair of the session "Scheduling".

September 2023: 7th International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (Ischia, Italy). Invited session's speaker: "Multi-phase scheduling of 3D-printed devices for medicine".

July 2023: 49th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to the Health Services - ORAHS 2023, Integrated Planning and Provision of Services in Health Care Systems (Graz, Austria).
Speaker: "Integrating access to health services via public transport into large-scale decision making".

September 2022: 3rd Spanish Young Statisticians and Operational Researchers Meeting (Elche, Spain).
Invited speaker selected by the board of AIRO - Italian Association of Operations Research: "Computing bounds for the maximum Chi-square index through combinatorial relaxation".

July 2022: 48th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to the Health Services - ORAHS 2022 (Bergamo, Italy).
Speaker: "Stochastic Optimization of Inpatient and Outpatient Surgery Scheduling".

July 2022: 32nd European Conference on Operational Research - EURO 2022 (Espoo, Finland).
Speaker: "On the computation of the maximum Chi-square index by Integer Programming".

May 2022: 7th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (Online).
Speaker: "A particular Quadratic Transportation Problem".

July 2021: 47th e-ORAHS Conference - Applications of OR to Healthcare Adversity (Online).
Speaker: "Modelling the Regional Hospital Network using Big Data and Discrete Event Simulation".

July 2020: 46th e-ORAHS Conference (Online). Speaker: "Optimising the daily swab test collection to identify new cases of Covid-19".

July 2019: 45th ORAHS Conference (Karlsruhe, Germany).
Speaker: "Analysing the impact of prediction in real-time management of ambulances".

April 2019: Data Science Workshop for Public Health Resident (Turin, Italy).
Invited speaker: "Mining and Optimising a patient flow through an Emergency Department".

December 2018: Winter Simulation Conference – Simulation for a Noble Cause (Göteborg, Sweden).
Speaker: "A Simulation and Online Optimization Approach for the Real-time Management of Ambulances".

September 2018: 2nd International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (Taormina, Italy).
Speaker: "Reducing Overcrowding at the Emergency Department Through a Different Physician and Nurse Shift Organisation: A Case Study".

August 2018: 44th ORAHS Conference – Connected Care (Oslo, Norway).
Speaker: "Resource allocation in an Emergency Department: an online optimisation approach".

June 2018: Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (Paris, France).

September 2017: 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data (Volterra, Italy).
Speaker: "Evaluating the dispatching policies for a regional network of emergency departments exploiting health care big data".

September 2017: International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (Sorrento, Italy).
Speaker: "Patient–centred objectives as an alternative to maximum utilisation: comparing surgical case solutions".

May 2017: 3rd International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering (Florence, Italy).
Speaker: "Mining the patient flow through an Emergency Department to deal with overcrowding".

November 2016: L’Università di Torino verso il Futuro: Ricerca, innovazione e formazione al tempo dei Big Data (Moncalieri, Italy).
Poster presenter: "Big Data supporting Public Health policies".

September 2016: 46th Annual Conference Italian Operations Research Society - Emergency advances in logistics systems (Trieste, Italy).
Speaker: "Evaluating online approaches for the Real Time Management of operating rooms".

July 2016: 42nd ORAHS Conference – Finding better health-care decisions in new oceans of health data (Pamplona, Spain).
Speaker: "Reducing the overcrowding at the emergency department".
Chair of a session in the stream "Emergency Department".

July 2016: 28th European Conference on Operational Research - EURO 2016 (Poznan, Poland).
Speaker: "Sharing operating rooms between elective and non-elective surgeries: an online optimization approach".

September 2015: 45th AIRO Conference – Optimization for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (Pisa, Italy).
Speaker: "A mixed offline and online approach to manage elective and non-elective patients".

July 2015: 41st ORAHS Conference – Networking Health: Facing the Challenges in Health Services Management (Montréal, Canada).
Speaker: "A mixed offline and online approach to manage elective and non-elective patients".

August 2014: 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications SIMULTECH (Vienna, Austria).
Speaker: "A hybrid model for the analysis of a surgical pathway".
Winner of the "Best Paper Award" with co-author Roberto Aringhieri.